Friday, March 30, 2007

The Mush Effect

This is my attempt at writing a mushy blog. I am not liable if you puke after reading this. Hehehe

Can you hear my voice
Do you hear my song
Its a serenade
So your heart can find me
And suddenly you're flying down the steps
Into my arms

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dress sense of people

How do people decide what to wear on a day? Here I am concentrating only on the dress sense of folks coming to office as it is the environment most familiar to me now. Usually I decide on the morning of each day and then iron my dress. But there are some people who stick to a routine. For instance, I know a certain PM in my office who wears only a particular color on a day. And so far he has never broken his habit.

These kinds of behaviour fascinate me and once I did a small research on it. It was nothing much. I used to observe a female colleague (at least, make my research interesting. Hence my reason for not using a guy as my subject ;) ). After a few months (yes, I tenaciously collected data!) I had the list of all the dresses she would wear to office. And I was able to predict what dress she would wear on a day with an accuracy of around 75%. This led me to the conclusion that people don't select their dresses in a completely random manner. Of course, there are several factors that come into play here, forcing them into a routine. Even then there are lots of different decisions they can take on a given day. Still somewhere in the back of their minds, something prompts them to select a particular dress.

My next research was finding what that was. But, alas, I could not continue it. Too much other stuff came up my way. But I may resume it someday. Do I sound cranky?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tainted for life

Last week, for the first time in my life, I used the paid company bus service. Normally I avoid it like the black plague. I had previously argued (with proof) that people who use company bus are idiotic complacent morons. And majority of the people who heard my irrefutable argument had agreed with me. Or was it because I was drunk senseless and there was no point in correcting me? I am not sure, but that was one debate I won hands down. Back to the topic in hand: It was not my idea to use the bus, rather I was forced to do it. And if there was any way to avoid it, I would have done it. Sadly, the circumstances were against me and I had to comply.

The damage is done. The perfect track record I had maintained for so long now lies destroyed. How can I now look at the face of my compatriots who equally hate the company bus? As I piece together what little is left of my fallen dignity, I swear the solemn oath to never take the bus again. But the truth can never be hidden, and I cannot change history. I am tainted for life.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Why I write this blog

Nowadays, anyone with a computer and an internet connection can write a blog. And that's exactly what I am doing. In fact I expect this trend to continue till everybody without a blog will be considered as sick losers. The ones who will be like a stain on the underpants of the society. Obviously I don't want to be part of that group.

Now, I have no misconceptions about the publicity of this blog. The only regular reader here is probably me. Still that won't keep me from publishing more and more completely useless information. That is because human beings like to talk a lot and listen as little as possible. Its the most instrinsic behaviour. And since I really belong to homo sapiens species (some of you, stop laughing), its only natural that I act like this.

Having said so, I will lay down the basic rules that I will follow when writing my future blogs. I will maintain a cynical and largely sadistic view of the world. And I will insult and make fun of anything and anyone I don't like. And if you don't like it, I suggest you go home and start writing your own blog. That's all, I will be back!!

The comparison

I was planning to publish a detailed comparison of Jack Daniel's and Chivas Regal. But whenever I got down to write about it, I found that I could not go on. Frankly that topic was not interesting for me, despite the fact that I drink. So here is the deal: I am NOT going to write the comparison, please get off my back!! If you really want to know more about them, I'm sure you can find plenty of information on the net. So go out there and browse for whatever devious things you want. Meanwhile I am going to cook up some new ideas and shove it to the world.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Jack Daniel's vs Chivas Regal

I have decided to start my blog with a discussion about Jack Daniels and Chivas Regal, my all time favourites. But the stuff is hard to come by, poor me :(

Jack Daniel's is a Tennesee whiskey and brand known for its rectangular bottles and black label.

Chivas Regal is blended scotch whiskey.

In the coming days I will be adding more details about these two and give you a comprehensive comparison. In case you have any ideas please add it as a comment.

NB: All the bubbles that you see on this screen is a metaphor of my drunken stupor, whatever that means :)